Policenauts Pc98

As far as I remember the PC98 Policenauts videos on Youtube some time ago ran on T98-Next and you could hear the CD audio. I don't know about the PCM sound, but at least I want to try it. That's the thing, though - T98 has terrible sound for most of the game (the PCM audio) but has the CD audio, whereas Anex has the PCM but not the CD. Policenauts Versions and Merchandise Page Snatcher Sketches Favorite Games Policenauts Translation SDatcher Translation Snatcher, Policenauts, Metal Gear. Policenauts is a graphic adventure game developed and published by Konami. It was written and directed by Hideo Kojima, and originally released for the PC-9821 in 1994. Policenauts translation site, with full glossary in English. We also host a gallery of Policenauts game versions, soundtracks, magazines, translations, trading cards, and information. コナミ矩形波倶楽部专辑《policenauts》,简介:小島秀夫監督が『スナッチャー』で培った映画的演出をさらに推し進めたsfアドベンチャー。機種によってbgmの使用箇所が異なり、名曲「end of the dark」がopとedで使われるのはプレステとサターンの2機種。.

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Policenauts Pc98 Rom


Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Platform: PC-98
Released in JP: July 29, 1994

This game has unused music.

Hideo Kojima's second adventure game following Snatcher, Policenauts is essentially the adventures of anime Murtaugh and Riggs in space.

The graphics in the original PC-9801 version were made with conventional pixel art instead of the scanned animation cels used in the later console version, resulting in a style that more closely resembles the 16-bit console versions of Snatcher released around the same time.

Policenauts pc98 rom

Unused Music

Policenauts Pc98

The PC-9821 release of Policenauts contains an unused full-length version of the opening title track 'Old L.A. 2040'. In the actual game, 'Old L.A. 2040' is shortened and split into CDDA tracks 3 and 4 which are used for the opening cutscene instead.

Policenauts Pc 9821 Rom

To do:
Address the dialogue changes. Quite a bit of dialogue was reworked in the home console versions.

Policenauts Pc 98


Policenauts Pc 98 Opening

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