Rimworld Power Armor Worth It

  1. Rimworld Power Armor Worth Item
  2. Cataphract Armor - RimWorld Wiki

The greatest most effective power source is the geothermal generator. It requires a huge amount of research, but once you finally get there it’ll be well worth building your base near a geothermal vent in the early game. What makes the Geothermal Generator the best?: Produces the most power of any source in the game at a whopping 3,600W.

  1. The benefit is the helmets, they give 35 blunt / 60 sharp protection compared to a kevlar helmet's 10 B/35 S. It also protects the entire head, meaning your colonist's eyes and mouth will be safe, while the lesser helmets only protect the top of the head.
  2. Armor is calculated per piece of apparel, from the outside in. Armor mitigation does stack multiplicatively, e.g. 2 pieces of clothing or armor will mitigate damage twice for 25% damage. Armor Penetration is also applied on each layer, this means that apparel with low armor values will do little or nothing against projectiles with high armor.

Cataphract armor

A suit of heavy powered armor, built for maximum protection at the cost of mobility. Heavy layered plasteel-weave plates with solid ablative coatings stop all but the most well-aimed or powerful attacks. Neuro-memetic assistors prevent the suit's massive weight from immobilizing the wearer entirely, but the suit is still quite cumbersome. Armor like this is used by imperial cataphracts to break heavily fortified positions in frontal assaults when no other option is available.

Gear – Armor
Market Value
15 kg
Insulation - Cold
Insulation - Heat
Armor - Blunt
Armor - Sharp
Armor - Heat
Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg
Middle, Shell
Work To Make
75,000 ticks (20.83 mins)
Resources to make
150 + 50 + 6

Cataphract armor is a type of advanced apparel (armor) introduced by the Royalty DLC that can effectively block gunshots, cuts, blunt trauma, or burns. It forms a full set of armor along with the Cataphract helmet.


As a complicated piece of technology, Cataphract Armor can only be made at the Fabrication bench and requires Cataphract Armor to be researched in order to be constructed. Researching Cataphract Armor in turn requires the previous powerarmor projects to be researched as well as the use of two Cataphract Armor Techprints to unlock. Crafting the armor requires 150 plasteel + 50 uranium and 6 advanced components.

Alternatively, the armor can be received as a quest reward, purchased from traders, or found on Imperial Cataphracts and Stellic Guards.


Cataphract armor provides the best protection of any armor in the game, especially against blunt, and can block heat damage. Like Recon armor and Marine armor it also covers the limbs in addition to the torso making for great overall protections. It provides roughly the same protection as a Marine Armor of one quality level above its own, or of Recon Armor two quality levels above its own. It also allows a pawn to reach the cap of 200% sharp protection at Legendary quality. Compared to a flak vest and duster, Cataphract armor offers strictly superior protection to all body parts when all items are the same quality, regardless of duster material. However, Cataphract armor is much more expensive, needs a long time to make and also needs the Cataphract Armor research before being available.

Acquiring it through fighting the Empire is also difficult due to their ubiquitious Death acidifier implants and the general difficulty of killing the pawns wearing this armor and carrying the empires best weapons. The armor provides a significant Move Speed debuff of -0.80 cs, double that of Marine armor and over six times that of a flak vest, making the armor impractical for every day wear by some pawns. The bionic legs may be used to offset this move speed penalty.

Quality Table

QualitySharpBluntHeatItem HPInsulation - ColdInsulation - HeatMarket Value
Awful Cataphract armor72%30%36%400-16°C+5.36°C1560
Poor Cataphract armor96%40%48%400-18°C+6.03°C2340
Normal Cataphract armor120%50%60%400-20°C+6.7°C3120
Good Cataphract armor138%57.5%69%400-22°C+7.37°C3620
Excellent Cataphract armor156%65%78%400-24°C+8.04°C4120
Masterwork Cataphract armor174%72.5%87%400-30°C+10.05°C5120
Legendary Cataphract armor200%90%108%400-36°C+12.06°C6120

For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

Rimworld power armor worth itemsEltex


Cataphracts were heavy armored cavalry used in warfare by people in Europe.

Every set of cataphract armor found on an Imperial Cataphract will be white, while every one found on a Stellic Guard (Warden or Defender) will be red and of Excellent quality.

Version history

  • Introduced in the initial release of the Royalty DLC.
  • 1.1.2647: No longer meets the clothing requirement of nobles, replaced in that role by Prestige cataphract armor

See Also

  • Phoenix armor - a variant of cataphract armor that is slightly more protective against heat and temperature but less protective otherwise, with an integrated incendiary launcher.
  • Prestige cataphract armor - a variant of cataphract armor that both pleases nobles and improves psychic ability.
Torso |Clothing
Button-down shirt • T-shirt • Tribalwear • Corset • Eltex shirt • Eltex vest • Formal vest • Formal shirt
Flak vest
Legs | Clothing
Flak pants
Shell | Clothing
Duster • Jacket • Parka • Plate armor • Cape • Eltex robe • Prestige robe
Flak jacket • Marine armor(Prestige, Grenadier) • Recon armor(Prestige, Locust) • Cataphract armor(Prestige, Phoenix)
Head | Clothing
Bowler hat • Cowboy hat • Tuque • Tribal headdress • War mask • War veil • Beret • Coronet • Crown • Eltex helmet • Eltex skullcap • Gunlink • Hood • Ladies hat • Stellic crown • Top hat
Flak helmet • Marine helmet(Prestige) • Psychic foil helmet • Recon helmet(Prestige) • Simple helmet • Cataphract helmet(Prestige)

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Life on the rim can be quite dangerous. It’s important to make sure your colony is well protected and your pawns have the best gear. Endgame Rimworld is a cruel mistress with hordes of enemies and robots trying to kill you. While we already covered what the best melee weapon in Rimworld was, we think it’s time to go over what the best gun in Rimworld is.

Just like with our take on what the best melee weapon is, the best gun in Rimworld depends on a variety of factors. While there are two outright top choices for best gun, Rimworld throws a variety of situations at you and they may not always be the best choice. Comps also matter, sometimes it’s better to have all assault rifles and a few miniguns in the mix than just assault rifles.

Overall Best Gun in Rimworld

Overall, the assault rifle is the best gun in the game. While you may be thinking, “Hey, what about the charge rifle?”, the assault rifle outranges the charge rifle. While the assault rifle does do less overall DPS, the assault rifle can seriously hinder an enemies assault if they have charge rifles. Sometimes it is important to be the one who shoots first!

The charge rifle is second on the list of best guns in Rimworld. It features better stats, at the cost of a shorter range.

Here are the stats on the assault rifle and charge rifle.

As you can see, the assault rifle outclasses the charge rifle in range and accuracy making it a perfect choice for long-range engagements. The charge rifle has better damage and armor penetration but lacks the ability to engage at long distances.

Marine helmet - RimWorld Wiki

Best Gun for CQC or Hallways

The minigun is one of the best spray-and-pray guns in the game. Give a minigun to one of your pawns with the trait trigger happy and watch clumped up groups of raiders fall to the ground. Trigger happy will halve the reload time of the pawn, but reduce their accuracy be 25% – which we don’t really care about because the minigun is already inaccurate and in CQC accuracy is just a bonus. What matters most is getting as many shots as possible down that 10 tile hallway where the raiders are.

Surprisingly, the minigun has similar stats to the assault rifle. It has 15% armor penetration, the same range, and only has 1 less point of damage. The DPS is better than both the charge rifle and assault rifle, however. At 36.78, the minigun is perhaps the highest DPS weapon available in vanilla Rimworld. With a 25-shot burst, it is no wonder it has such a high DPS.

Make the Best of Your Situation

The best gun in Rimworld also depends on what materials and weapons are readily available. While the above are the ultimate best weapons in the game, sometimes it is important to remember that you need to make the most of what you have.

If you have 3 survival rifles, make your kill box a long, tight hallway with your pawns at one end. It’ll be just like another day at the shooting range for them.

If you have a number of shotguns you picked up off raiders, make a close-quarters kill box. Pawns can hide behind corners and take close-distance shots at incoming raiders or hostile animals.

Rimworld Power Armor Worth Item

Keep the assault rifle, charge rifle, and minigun in mind as endgame weapons. Those are weapons you should be crafting or buying when you have enough supplies and a stable base. The best gun in Rimworld is the one that fits your current situation!

Cataphract Armor - RimWorld Wiki

If you’re looking for more Rimworld tips and tricks, check out our other posts on how to get components, melee weapons, and hydroponic layouts!