Practical Guidelines On Fluid Therapy Pdf

  • 2 NICE interactive flowcharts

This guideline covers the general principles for managing intravenous (IV) fluid therapy in hospital inpatients aged 16 and over with a range of conditions. It aims to help prescribers understand the optimal amount and composition of IV fluids to be administered and the best rate at which to give them, to improve fluid prescribing and outcomes among people in hospital. It does not cover pregnant women, and those with severe liver or renal disease, diabetes or burns.

Published a book, 'Practical Guidelines on Fluid Therapy' in year 2002, which is the first complete Indian book on fluid, electrolytes, acid base disorders and parenteral nutrition. More than 60 thousand copies of this practice-oriented book are sold in 14 years. Dr Pandya contributed chapters on these subjects in various textbooks and monograms. Logistically practical. Fluid therapy. Fluid challenge technique with continued fluid administration as long as hemodynamics factors continue to improve. Norepinephrine as the first- choose vasopressor. Adding vasopressin 0.03 U/min or epinephrine. Recommend against IV hydrocortisone if adequate fluid. CONSULT THE EXPERT hEMERGENCY MEDICINE & CRITICAL CARE hPEER REVIEWED. Posed of approximately 60% water.2Puppies and kittens have higher total body water amount (ie, up to 80% of body weight), as total body water decreases with age.3In addition, fat has a lower water content; thus, the fluid prescription should be based on estimated lean body weight.4In adult nonobese cats. Practical Guidelines on Fluid Therapy by Dr Sanjay Pandya 2nd Edition. File: PDF, 77.72 MB. You may be interested in Powered by Rec2Me. Interpreting Chest X-Rays Illustrated with 100 Cases. Cambridge University Press. Logistically practical. Fluid therapy. Fluid challenge technique with continued fluid administration as long as hemodynamics factors continue to improve. Norepinephrine as the first- choose vasopressor. Adding vasopressin 0.03 U/min or epinephrine. Recommend against IV hydrocortisone if adequate fluid.

In May 2017, some research recommendations that had become outdated since original publication were stood down and deleted.


This guideline includes recommendations on:

Who is it for?

  • Healthcare professionals
  • People who receive IV fluid therapy in hospital and their families and carers

Is this guideline up to date?

We checked the impact of the SMART and SALT-ED trials on this guideline in June 2020. We will not update the guideline at this time.

Fluid Guidelines For Adults

Guideline development process

This guideline was previously called intravenous fluid therapy in adults in hospital.

Fluid Guidelines Pediatrics

Practical Guidelines On Fluid Therapy Pdf

Your responsibility

The recommendations in this guideline represent the view of NICE, arrived at after careful consideration of the evidence available. When exercising their judgement, professionals and practitioners are expected to take this guideline fully into account, alongside the individual needs, preferences and values of their patients or the people using their service. It is not mandatory to apply the recommendations, and the guideline does not override the responsibility to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of the individual, in consultation with them and their families and carers or guardian.

Practical Guidelines On Fluid Therapy By Dr Sanjay Pandya Pdf Download

All problems (adverse events) related to a medicine or medical device used for treatment or in a procedure should be reported to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency using the Yellow Card Scheme.


Local commissioners and providers of healthcare have a responsibility to enable the guideline to be applied when individual professionals and people using services wish to use it. They should do so in the context of local and national priorities for funding and developing services, and in light of their duties to have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to reduce health inequalities. Nothing in this guideline should be interpreted in a way that would be inconsistent with complying with those duties.

Practical Guidelines On Fluid Therapy Pdf Free

Commissioners and providers have a responsibility to promote an environmentally sustainable health and care system and should assess and reduce the environmental impact of implementing NICE recommendations wherever possible.

Practical Guidelines On Fluid Therapy By Dr Sanjay Pandya 2nd Edition Pdf