Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw

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Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw
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Re: Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw i got a bunch of stuff like that too. By level 10 my agility and endurance were over 150 because of thase items. All dates in (PST) time. In Morrowind the player kills the last of the bloodline of Oreyn Bearclaw (or so we think) and is granted the helm by Malacath as reward. The guy in Oblivion is called Modreyn Oreyn who is the actual last decendant from Oreyn Bearclaw. Indeed he says he got the helm from a stranger from Morrowind. AWE YISS GOT ONE OF MY FAV HELMETS FINALLY /// LVL 11 to LVL 13 /// Mages Guild - Warlock Blades - Operative Temple - Adept Ashlander - Clanfriend /// Quests.

Daedric Artifact: Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw (000A5659)
(lore page)
TypeHelmet, Heavy Armor
Editor IDFGD09BearclawHelm
Fortify Agility 10pts
Fortify Endurance 10pts
Morrowind helm of oreyn bearclaw
Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw

The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw is an artifact given to you by Modryn Oreyn as a reward for completing the Fighters Guild quests, at the end of The Hist. In addition to its enchantments, this helmet is also notable for its extremely high health (for comparison, a daedric helmet has only 1350) and its unique design.

Morrowind players might recognize this as a reference to that game, being that it was the reward for a Daedric Quest where the player was to eliminate the Oreyn bloodline and retrieve the helm. If you ask Modryn about the helm, he will tell you that it was retrieved by Malacath after the Daedra Prince mistakenly believed the Oreyn line to have ended but was later returned to the Oreyn family by a stranger. See the book Tamrielic Lore for more background on this item.

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I think Bethesda is just trying to get past lore 'out of the way' to avoid retcons. :facepalm:

While I don't entirely agree with this, I think as others said, it was just to avoid displacing the idea that the player's Nerevarine was the real one by divulging any factual information about him/her beyond the basics he did
But it isn't. We're told outright that 'the Nerevarine has departed on an expedition to Akavir and has not been heard from since'. While the Akavir part may be just a rumour, I think we'd hear something about it if the Nerevarine turned out to be right there in Morrowind and busy battling Daedra.
Whatever the devs decided on regarding the Nerevarine's fate, it would end up pissing at least someone off. Yeah, I guess some people might actually prefer the 'went to Akavir' scenario, but how many? We can't be sure, but my guess is 'not a lot'. It's the easiest solution, rather than the one that makes most sense, hence my comment about 'laziness'.

Nerervarine going to Akavir is merely a rumor, and has no substantial proof, it could easily be a case of mistaken interpretation. There's a game you play in school where everyone sits in a circle, the teacher whispers something in one person's ear, then they whisper to the next person, and it goes in a complete circle around the room between like 20 people, and at the end you find the last person usually says something completely different than the first. Word doesn't travel so accurately via word-of-mouth so I'd just chalk this up to another unsubstantiated rumor.

Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw

Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw

Why would we hear about it? With the Empire in crisis I doubt anyone cares. Vivec's a much more prominent figure to the people, yet we still only heard rumors about him, nothing concrete.

Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw Replacer

I think the reason we don't hear about Vivec or any of the Tribunal is because some people actually murdered them, it was left as a choice, it wasn't a specific quest or anything, but you were given the option to kill the entire Tribunal in the game, which the Temple would no doubt cover up by saying they went missing, to reveal that the Gods of the Temple are dead would create a massive question of faith that could erupt into a very serious ordeal.... so of course the Tribunal are 'missing'.... history will probably be written to assume they ascended into Aetherius or some such nonsense.

Modryn Oreyn