How To Get Steel Rimworld


An iron-carbon metal alloy used for building structures, tools, and weapons.

Material – Metal
Stack Limit

How to Use Mortars in RimWorld! Be sure to Like, Comment and Subscribe for more content! Click here for more RimWorld 'How To' Videos This mod for Rimworld extends upon the worlds that are mentioned in the game called “glitter worlds”. It gives you a lot more, highly-advanced end-game items such as high-tech energy weapons and armor, advanced bionic limbs and organs, advanced recipes and resources, powerful turrets and automatic mortars, wall lights, windows and blast doors and much more. There are several ways to get components in Rimworld. Doing so mainly gives you assorted stones and steel, but a few bits and bobs may reveal components. If you deconstruct a defeated mech hive. Capturing a prisoner in RimWorld. Before you capture a prisoner, you need a fully enclosed cell where the prisoner will stay. You also need a free bed or sleeping spot per prisoner. To make a prisoner’s bed: Click on the option Set for prisoners; The bed and the room will turn orange to indicate that it is a cell. To capture raiders.

Base Stats

Market Value

Rimworld How To Get Steel From Slag

Stat Modifiers

Armor - Blunt
Armor - Heat
Armor - Sharp
Insulation - Cold
Insulation - Heat
Max Hit Points
Melee Blunt Damage
Melee Cooldown
Melee Sharp Damage
Work To Make
How To Get Steel Rimworld

Steel is a raw resource, crucial throughout the game for different purposes, such as construction of various structures, and production of weapons and armor.

Steel can be mined out of compacted steel on the map, purchased from bulk goods traders, extracted from Steel slag chunks using an electric smelter, or salvaged by disassembling mechanoids. Research and construction of deep drills in mid-late game allows extraction of large deposits underground. Although steel is common on most maps, it is still a limited resource, and should not be used carelessly.


Compacted steel tiles have 1,500 HP each, making them one of the faster ores to mine. They can be found in large veins, ranging from 30 to 40 tiles in size. Each mined block yields 40 steel, although miners with less than 8 skill in mining will produce less.

Granite Blocks • Limestone Blocks • Marble Blocks • Sandstone Blocks • Slate Blocks • Jade
Gold • Plasteel • Silver • Steel • Uranium
Textiles - (Leathers)
Bearskin • Birdskin • Bluefur • Camelhide • Chinchilla fur • Dog leather • Elephant leather • Foxfur • Guinea pig fur • Heavy fur • Human leather • Lightleather • Lizardskin • Panthera fur • Patchleather • Pigskin • Plainleather • Rhinoceros leather • Thrumbofur • Wolfskin
Textiles - (Fabrics)
Alpaca wool • Bison wool • Cloth • Devilstrand • Hyperweave • Megasloth wool • Muffalo wool • Sheep wool • Synthread

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Deep drill

A deep-crust drilling rig for extracting minerals from deep under the surface. Use a ground-penetrating scanner to detect the resources.

Rimworld Out Of Steel

1 ˣ 1
- 200W
Resources to make
200 + 4
Deconstruct yield
150 + 3

A deep drill extracts resources from underground deposits.These deposits are discovered by constructing a ground-penetrating scanner and connecting it to power. Clicking the scanner reveals all deposits (cells highlighted green) on the map, but does not reveal the exact contents of each deposit. Constructing or clicking any deep drill also displays all deposits, if a scanner is in place and powered. Clicking a drill (powered or unpowered) will reveal exactly which resource is in the deposit at that location.


When placing a deep drill it can fit in as little as a 1x2 space - one cell for the drill, and one cell for the interaction spot. The outline does not restrict placement in any way. It only shows the drill's extraction zone and it can overlap walls, mountains, water, buildings, and even some of the maps border's exclusion zone but not the second tile away. Most deposits are in open space, but in tight spots, the drill can be rotated (keys: QE) to position the interaction spot.

A drill only extracts resources within its extraction zone, so it should be placed to cover as much as possible. Drills can be moved, allowing the drill to be reused once resources are exhausted. If building a drill is blocked by terrain like mud or shallow water, the drill can be installed on a bridge. Resources detected in deep water or deep ocean water beyond the overlap zone cannot be extracted.

  • Only 2 tiles of this deposit are reachable

  • Minerals detected past the coastline cannot be extracted


A drill is operated by miners. Unlike crafting stations, the colonist cannot make use of a chair while operating the drill. The drill's inspection pane shows what resource is below (gold, plasteel, silver, steel, uranium, or jade). Cells will turn from green to yellow and then blank as they are depleted. Each cell contains a total of 300 resources, but the actual number obtained depends on the miner's mining yield, so the values may be slightly lower. Drill operation can be suspended by marking the drill as forbidden or turning off its power.

Drills will produce stone chunks if there are no other materials below them. To prevent pawns from continuing to drill stone undesirably, a drill that has exhausted all other resources will automatically be marked 'forbidden' with a notification to the player.

Each extraction cycle takes a base of 14,000 ticks (3.89 mins) of work to finish, modified according to the colonist's Mining Speed stat. Although this time is the same for all materials, the amount per cycle varies. For example, plasteel yields 7 units per cycle, making it effectively 5 times slower to mine than steel, which yields 35. This means using deep drills is from over 700 (silver) to almost 3000 (gold/jade) times less efficient than normal mining.

Note that resource fields may be adjacent to each other, sometimes with different types of resources. If a drill is placed such that it overlaps both zones, it will mine all of the resources from one type before switching to the other field. In which case, the infobox will display which resource the drill is currently extracting.


A deep drill requires power to operate. Besides connecting to the main power grid, relocating charged batteries can provide power for a while. This can eliminate running power lines to remote areas, however a roof is needed to protect the batteries from rain. Alternatively, a vanometric power cell works to power up to 3 nearby drills constantly.

Once a drill has completely mined all resources in its zone, it will continue to draw power until it is turned off, disconnected from the grid or deconstructed.


The resources contained in a deposit correlates with the size of the deposit. Below is an estimate of the different deposit sizes:

ResourceDeposit SizeDeposit MeanCommonality! Portion Size
Steel20 - 40~ 30435
Silver7 - 20~ 140.540
Plasteel2 - 10~ 717
1 - 5~ 30.510
Uranium4 - 10~ 7110

Note that it is also possible (but uncommon) for deposits to directly touch each other which can make identification harder.

Alternative table:



Manned drills are capable of drilling into underground insect hives, bringing several to the surface. There will be a short delay between the alert and their appearance, giving your miner time to get away.

Version history

How To Get Steel Rimworld

Prior to version B19, Chemfuel could be acquired by drilling.

Starting in 1.0, it's possible to drill into insectoid hives.

How To Get Steel Rimworld 3

In 1.1.2624 the area of deep drills has been expanded to become 21 tiles large (5x5 square minus the corners), as opposed to 9 tiles (3x3 square). Its power consumption has also been reduced (300 -> 200W).

Brewery • Butcher spot • Butcher table • Crafting spot • Fueled stove • Sculptor's table • Simple research bench • Fermenting barrel
Hand-tailoring bench • Fueled smithy • Stonecutter's table
Biofuel refinery • Deep drill • Drug lab • Electric crematorium • Electric smelter • Electric smithy • Electric stove • Electric tailoring bench • Fabrication bench • Hi-tech research bench • Hydroponics basin • Machining table • Nutrient paste dispenser(Hopper)

How To Get More Steel Rimworld

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