Doom 1 Full Game Wad

-This mod was originally announced in 2013 and released in 2014-

Action Doom 2 - Urban BrawlAdventures of Square, The - Episodes 1 & 2 (v2.1)Blasphemer (v0.1.5)Chex QuestChex Quest 2Chex Quest 3 (v1.4)DelaweareDoom. Doom 1 And 2 Wad DOOM 1 is a legendary first person shooter game that you can now play in your web browser. This is the first episode of DOOM by id software. Your objective is simply to locate the exit room that leads to the next area, while surviving all hazards on the way. Fall of Society (v1.1) is a relatively small map (full disclosure, I started the second map but be warned, you need health - there is A LOT going on in the second map) that utilizes some interesting floor over floor features (again, zdoom only) and a fair number of texture changes which give the map a different look than your standard Doom map. Doomed 2018-03-24 1 point. Actually I think it's the other way around, Doom95 is a Shareware Port of Doom that was made to play in win95 by Microsoft. This is the full version of Doom, but if you want to play it in windows of today you need ZDoom for XP or GZDoom for 32 or 64bit windows 7+, it also can be played under Mac Intel or PPC using ZDoom but the ZDoom Folder needs to exist under.

Doom 1 And 2 Wad Files

'A long long time ago... An ancient mansion full of beautiful paintings was discovered...'

Explore magical new lands in Doom: The Golden Souls! The first game of the retro-inspired Doom mod saga!

Find the Golden Souls hidden in magical paintings to unlock new areas in the hub and continue your adventure! Every painting is a different level with unique aesthetics and gimmicks! Stop the demons from obtaining the souls and save the world!

This mod is NOT standalone, DOOM2.wad and Gzdoom are required to play!


CategoryGame mod
Tagsdoom, golden-souls, gzdoom, mod, Singleplayer, super-mario

Install instructions


1) Download Gzdoom

2) Extract it in a folder

3) Place GoldenSouls_Full_1.4.pk3 and DOOM2.wad in the same folder, you can obtain the wad by buying Doom 2 on

4)Drag GoldenSouls_Full_1.4.pk3 on Gzdoom.exe, a window will appear

5)Select OpenGL or Vulkan as your renderer, and DOOM2.Wad as the base iwad

6) Start the game!

Required Settings

*The game must be played with the OpenGL or Vulkan renderer

*Make sure Dynamic Lights are enabled, you can find them in

Options>Display Options>Hardware Renderer>Dynamic Lights

*Mouselook has to be enabled in Options>Mouse Options 'Always Mouselook - On'

*Additionally, it is recommended to disable the bilinear filtering that's set by default in

Options>Display Options>Hardware Renderer>Texture Options

Setting it to None(Trilinear) will give you the best results

Required Keys

You can change the keys by going in Options>Customize Controls

Movement Keys

Jump Key

Reload Key

Crouch Key

Use Key

Fire/Alt Fire Keys

Inventory Keys (Next Item, Previous Item, Use Inventory)


Doom: The Golden Souls 1.4 'Even More Definitive Edition'77 MB

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Playing with 'Ultimate Simpsons Doom' wad is incredibly fun(and annoying).

Este fue uno de los mods de doom que mas me gustaron :) no sabia que estaba en

Ultimate Doom Wad File Download

Muy bueno!!!

Doom 1 Full Version Wad

They unlock a special level in the garden, not all the coins are required so they're mostly something for 100% completionists.

For more information on this article, visit the IWAD page on the Doom Wiki.

An IWAD - short for Internal WAD - is the main resource file for a Doom-engine game, containing all the game's original sounds, levels, and graphics. ZDoom needs an IWAD file in order to play; without one the ZDoom engine has no game data to use.

  • 1Supported IWADs

Supported IWADs


  • Some file names are links to a page on the Doom Wiki where you will find checksums for known versions of the concerned file.
  • Some files have conflicting names; ZDoom provides you with possible aliases. Note that an IWAD is actually identified by its content rather than its name. Also, any archive format supported by ZDoom can technically be an IWAD.

Commercial games

GameNameFile nameFile aliasesNotes and download links
Doom (Registered)Buy on GOG.comBuy on Steam
The Ultimate Doomdoomu.wad
Doom 'BFG Edition'bfgdoom.wad, doombfg.wadBuy on GOG.comBuy on Steam — Part of Doom 3: BFG Edition
Doom IIBuy on GOG.comBuy on Steam
Doom II 'BFG Edition'bfgdoom2.wad, doom2bfg.wadBuy on GOG.comBuy on Steam — Part of Doom 3: BFG Edition; also loads
Final Doom — TNT: EvilutionBuy on GOG.comBuy on Steam
Final Doom — The Plutonia Experiment
French Doom IIdoom2f.wadNo longer sold; a patch is available at Doomworld/idgames for the original English version.
Heretic (Registered or Commercial)hereticsr.wadbuy on Steam
Hexen (Full)Buy on Steam
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark CitadelBuy on Steam
Strife (Full)strife.wadBuy on GOG.comBuy on Steam — Also loads voices.wad
Strife: Veteran Editionsve.wadBuy on GOG.comBuy on Steam — Also loads voices.wad
Chex QuestNo longer sold, originally distributed in cereal boxes.

Free-to-play games

GameNameFile nameFile aliasesNotes and download links
Doom (Shareware)Doom shareware at Doomworld/idgames
Heretic (Shareware)Heretic shareware at Doomworld/idgames
Hexen (Demo)hexdemo.wad, hexendemo.wadHexen demo at Doomworld/idgames
Strife (Teaser)Strife teaser at Doomworld/idgames
Freedoom: Phase 1freedoom1.wadfreedoomu.wadOfficial site
Freedoom: Phase 2freedoom2.wadfreedoom.wad
Blasphemerheretic.wadblasphem.wad, blasphemer.wadOfficial site
Chex Quest 3Official site
Action Doom 2: Urban BrawlOfficial site
Harmony v1.1Official site
Hacx v1.2Official site
Hacx v2.0hacx.wadhacx2.wadWIP download thread
The Adventures of Squaresquare1.pk3Official site
Delawearedelaweare.wadOfficial site
Rise Of The Wool Ballrotwb.wadDownload thread

ZDoom will detect any of those present in its search path and let you choose at startup which game to play (if it doesn't, see the FAQ). In addition to them, some 'total conversion'-type mods, such as Wolfenstein 3D TC, can be played as their own IWAD; however since they are not detected as such by ZDoom, you need to use the -iwad command line parameter.

In order to play a custom level designed for any of the above games you have to have that particular game's full IWAD (loading PWAD with shareware, demo or teaser versions is disabled). If you do not have the necessary IWAD, or if you have an old, unpatched version of the IWAD in question, you will get an error message on startup. (But often old versions are accepted too.)


The IWAD file(s) should be placed in a directory where ZDoom will find them. This includes the same directory as the ZDoom executable, as well as those pointed to by the DOOMWADDIR environment variable. You may also configure other directories for ZDoom to search in the zdoom.ini file. On Linux, the directories $HOME/.zdoom and /usr/local/share are checked by default. Finally, if you have bought a supported game from or Steam, ZDoom is able to find the IWADs directly in their installation folder and you do not need to move or copy them to ZDoom's folder.

Obtaining IWADs

As noted aboved, some IWADs can be downloaded freely; however most 'full' games are not and must be bought from one of the following sources:
This store offers downloadable versions of Ultimate Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth (bundled with Final Doom and the Master Levels for Doom II), and Strife. The Final Doom version offered is the later Anthology version, which fixes many mapping errors (such as the infamous missing key in TNT MAP31).
This store offers downloadable versions of Ultimate Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth, Final Doom, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen: Beyond Heretic, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and Strife; as well as the Master Levels for Doom II which is a set of PWAD, not an IWAD.
Warning: following the release of , the Master Levels are no longer available to purchase individually but can be bought as part of the Doom Classic Complete Pack.
Note: The version of Hexen: Death Kings available on Steam is not patched. You need to download and apply the Death Kings 1.1 patch first. (The 'readme.txt' file it tries to patch has been renamed readme-dk.txt by Steam, but is not important.) All other IWADs from Steam are fully patched.,, etc.
Second-hand copies of the original games can be found on such sites.
Flea markets, used-games bins in brick-and-mortar stores, etc.
It's mostly a matter of luck, but they can still sometimes be found this way.
Doom 1 free online

Custom IWADs

Since version 3.2, GZDoom allows to define custom IWADs that can be detected without having to update the engine's own internal list. These custom IWADs need to have the .iwad or alternatively .ipk3 (not the traditional .wad and .pk3) extension, and they need to include an IWADINFO lump.

See also

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